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- adventist history
Doctrine Restored | Sebastien Braxton45:09
The Celtic Church | Don Mackintosh45:10
Campus Ministry Through Time - Israel Ramos58:46
Radical Reformation - Dojčin žIvadinovic54:36
Women of the Reformation | Suki Goonatilleke 56:36
John Wesley & the Origin of Methodism | Dojcin Zivadinovicbible
The History of the Scriptures | Doug Batcheloradventist history
The Role, History and Impact of Missions48:45
The 1888 Message | Dee Casper56:50
Black History & Adventism - Dr Ben Baker55:45
The 1919 Bible Conference - Dr. Michael W Campbell49:17
The Sabbath in History01:19:59
Adventists, Abolition and the Beast of Revelation 1351:52
James & Ellen White’s Marriage: A Deeper Look51:25
Ellen White in Australia: Ministry and Impact | Dr. Allan Lindsay 46:24
Foreign Missions & the History of Sabbath School | Justin Kim