1501 AD — 1505 AD
From St. George's School in Eisenach, Luther's father wanted to send him to University. Hans Luther had high ambitions for his son and hoped that he would one day become a lawyer. Luther had a choice of either the University of Leipzig or the University of Erfurt. His father pushed for Erfurt which was the more prestigious of the two.
The University of Erfurt had been established in 1379 and had become the largest University in Germany by the time Luther was ready to attend. Luther arrived in Erfurt in May 1501 and registered himself in the rolls as Martinus Luther ex Mansfeldt gaining admission as a scholar of the Faculty of Arts.
Luther remained at the University of Erfurt until he pledged himself to the Augustinian Monastery in 1505. He completed his B.A. in 1503 and was working on his M.A. pursuing law from 1503 to 1505.