Donate for Lineage in


$0 Raised

$15,000 Goal

The vision:

First impressions matter! The campus entrance affects everyone— faculty, students, alumni, school’s vendors, and every guest who comes to campus. Now that the way into Weimar begins at the new security gate we need an entrance as well as the proceeding walkway that is clearly defined and makes people feel welcome. We want the school’s entry to make it clear that Weimar is a quality school.

Our plan is to bring beautification of our overall campus to another level. We realize the way we take care of the physical plant reflects on our care for those who live in it. Many areas of the campus need to be totally recreated.

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Great News!

This is a 1.2-million-dollar project of which $200,000 has already been pledged. There is a half a million matching challenge for the remaining million to be raised. This means every dollar you give will be matched up to half a million.

Below are the major things we plan to accomplish:

  1. Incorporate planters, plants, trees and shrubs campus wide
  2. Restore the landscape water system to full capacity
  3. Make the prayer garden the most beautiful place on campus
  4. Purchase another Kaboda tractor and trailer
  5. Hire professional landscape artists to restore flower beds and create new ones
  6. Decorate new security gate entrance with flowerbeds and trees
  7. Pave parking lot next to new security gate
  8. New sidewalk by security gate entrance accompanied by planter full of plants and flowers
  9. Redesign the end of the NEWSTART lodge facing the entrance creating clarity regarding Weimar’s existence
  10. New Gazebo
  11. Complete and fix about 700 feet of the nearly two-mile campus perimeter fence to keep deer out so they do not eat plants and flowers
  12. Administration building roof
  13. Redesign the flagpole area

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