
Lineage began as a seed. A small idea packed with big potential. True to its nature that seed has grown beyond our wildest expectations and has reached people in ways we could never have imagined.


Language translation

Language translation

$0 Raised

$100,000 Goal

Lineage Journey is taking advantage of the latest AI technology to translate all our episodes into a variety of languages that will increase our reach in all parts of the world

Women of Christian History Series

Women of Christian History Series

$0 Raised

$69,300 Goal

This series will focus on women who made a positive impact throughout Christian history.

Equipment - Video and Editing

Equipment - Video and Editing

$0 Raised

$35,000 Goal

Lineage needs to purchase several items of our own equipment to continue our production.

Empires of the Bible

Empires of the Bible

$0 Raised

$35,000 Goal

We will film a series that covers all the major empires mentioned in the Bible who impacted Gods Word, Work and People.

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